Monday, March 15, 2010

I take it back

I'm still sick, now i've got chills, which is exciting, because typically that means I'm going to start to get all achey and nauseous. Fortunately I have B to look out for me.

So that thing I wrote in my last post, about Vivi being super cute? Redacted. He decided to mow down on some plastic milk just tab, then throw it up on the rug and one of B's ps3 controllers... Boo... So happy monday all.

Working right now, it's probably the most tolerable part of my day. Afterwards I have class, then I get to grind down some concrete in the lab.

It'll take awhile so I hope I can get into the TA area of the lab so I can nap with relative piece. Otherwise I'm gonna be fucking miserable when I get home...

Anyway, there was a good article posted on Afterelton in June about effeminate gays and how Elvis Stojko wants you all to butch up. It's a good read and won a GLAAD award so everyone who's struggled with their own issues of being butch, and even those who don't could use a good look at this...

Anyway i'm going to go throw up...

Carry on...

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