Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just Awful

So I got a text from a friend (Texter) last night whose life reads like a "text from last night" marathon. She said she wasn't able to deal with her friends anymore because they keep asking her to have a threesome.

Me: seriously? dtmfa
Texter: then i won't have any friends
Me: wait when you said friends i assumed you meant 1 couple
Texter: well sometimes it's a couple, but i'd be lying to you if i said that tonight was the first time/friend
Me: i'd say take it as a compliment, but maybe you should just have a shower
Texter: no, showers typically make a person MORE attractive
Me: too true... hey just so i know, is there a classy way to inquire about 3somes?
Texter: no
Me: is there a better way?
Texter: use a 40 lbr
Me: ...hey hon, not sure if you'd be into it, but wanna come over? i've got a 40 lbr
Texter: I don't want to be friends

I miss her, she's one of my old bartenders and together we were team awful. She would tell me her weekend and i'd make her feel better by reminding her that i showered in the sink at the Timmy's on the way to work.

le sigh the good old days

not sure if anyone has experienced it, but waffles has been railing on me about my age. I don't really mind as I frequently joke about how old I am (I'm only 24). In fact I usually enable this kind of talk with my mannerisms (and tea drinking) but I think it's getting tired so I'm going to resolve to be young and hip (do the cool kids still say hip? or is it the unpopular kind of ironic again?)

1 comment:

  1. Oh. oh dear. So I've had a friend get involved in a threesome somewhat-unwillingly. It didn't go well for a variety of reasons, but did result in a pretty funny story. Probably best to stay away from that if it's not her thing.

    Heh. And btw, it's not really about how old you are, it's about how old you act. I remember a teacher once commenting that I was the most mature 10-yr-old she'd met. Someone just last year described me as having "an old soul." I don't *want* an old soul. I'm in my mid-to-late 20's!
