Monday, February 15, 2010

Bad at their jobs

Are you or do you know someone who is so poorly suited for their job that it hurts/confuses you to no end?

If so fax me their resume, our office of misfits is looking for more bad decisions.

Right now I'm listening to our Public Relations openly discuss how the protesters are all just a bunch of ... well, inappropriate words synonnymous with being scum. Not very nice, nor PC, but hey, these same people were saying some very poorly articulated things quite loudly in a public place over xmas... It almost got one of them fired.

Myself I shouldn't be an Assistant because I'm neither organised nor 'a motivated self-starter' as I swore I was on my resume.

I won't slag the rest so much right now, it just rubbed me the wrong way because last week the PR guy was being semi-homophobic, and despite my loud coughing and proud display of B's picture on my desk I get the feeling like he is completely oblivious/too comfortable. Maybe I should start wearing my rainbow recruiter shirt to work on casual friday to make some trouble.

I suppose I'm not as militant as I used to be. I would normally be all too happy to remind people that I'm a big 'mo. Maybe I'm getting complacent in my age...

On that note I spent a good hour of my day today looking into getting a second degree. The first one was a catastrophuck that took too long and I now hate it. This second one would be less math based more about the social aspects that I love. Watching people, judging people, and even trying to understand some people. While this is all distant future stuff (I'm taking at least one year off) I think that if I could I would be a professional queer activist/counsellor. There was a job posting for an outreach co-ordinator at the local queer centre in Vancouver and while I am horribly underqualified (they say I need a BA) I think know that I would both really enjoy that work and that that might break some of my ennui.

Oh well, all of that is speculative for the time being and who knows what kind of clusterfrak my life will turn into in the coming months/years.

Carry on...

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