Sunday, February 7, 2010


Apart from watching Ratatouille with B's family (delightful and with a positive message), I got to see some good old fashioned TV this weekend.

On the docket:

Caprica [S01E03]
...sometimes faith can be a victim of chance...
I like my sci-fi. It's no secret that I'm a tremendous dork at one point owning about 50 Star Wars novels (just one nerdism) And as hinted in my title of my previous post (clusterfrak) I love battlestar galactica, or at least the reimagined series anyway.

While it languishes in the popularity because it is maligned in pop culture as nerdy, it has got to be one of the safest bits of sci-fi in recent memory. While it may be because the style, tone, characters, and plot of the show are so dark and intriguing, and the relevance that it has that makes it really engaging... plus the actors are all gorgeous.

Anyway, this lovely little spin-off is a prequel that departs from the dire atmosphere of BSG and yet retains the complexity of characters. It's a sci-fi family drama, set decades before the first cylon war (when Bill Adama is only a boy) we get a glimpse at how humanity really frakked it up. While I can't do the narrative justice, I strongly recommend both BSG and Caprica.

Why I like sci-fi so much is that it can release the important elements of our reality to challenge our views (while giving us a healthy dose of escapism). I won't speak to the right/wrong of it all because it's so deep and complex, but one of my favourite aspects of Caprica is the Tauron enforcer (and uncle to Bill Adama) Sam...

Who is in a loving and stable relationship with a man and in this world where the term gay doesn't exist, no one has a problem with it... Not that they could really, as Sam is an assassin.

Skins [S04E01]
...Everybody Jesus says shut up!...
I like this show, sometimes. I won't get too much into the plot of this episode because I don't really remember all the nuances or names of the show. However, I will attest that it is an interesting show. Heavy into drugs, sex, and all things immoral, but it's the characters which made me like it. When they aren't being tremendously self-destructive, they're hilarious ("I'm not a hobby Tony, you're not taking up canoeing"). Tony, Effy, and Maxxie have got to be my favourites.

The first two because they're ridiculous and mostly evil scheming and plotting, they're really quite delicious to watch.

Speaking of delicious, that's why I like Maxxie.

Interestingly he's always just one of the guys despite being gay, and although he isn't as provocatively whorish as Tony, he does get some hot scenes.

In the second generation (like Degrassi, the show writes characters out and replaces the cast, and for skins at the end of season 2 the first gen made their exit) there are lesbians and more frakked up characters. There's talk of making an american version which I can't help but think is a bad idea.

Anyway, I've written two posts tonight and was hoping to sleep at a reasonable hour in order to get a jump on my wonderful week...

Stay frosty...

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